Sunday, 7 March 2010

The lady , the dog and the...crazy !!

Hi !

I am going to tell you a history of fear

There was once a lady who was living with his dog near a mental hospital.
When she was going to sleep always the dog him the hand in order that she was falling a sleep .
One day a crazy escaped of the mental hospital and went home of the lady .
Later the lady woke up and went to the bath .
Suddenly she met tio the hung dog and the mirror spoted of blood with this phrase : The crazies also we know caress !!!!!!!!! :O

Did it leave you with the fear ?


Lucía said...

Is a macabre history that they told me in a camp , hehe .

Ahh , in the line 9 , i put "tio" , but is "to" !:S

sorry sorry sorry :S

Mar F. Blas said...

Let´s see:
When she was going to sleep always the dog him the hand in order that she was falling a sleep .
You mean:
When she went to bed, she always caressed her dog in order to fall asleep.
One day a crazy escaped of...a loony/a psycho (crazy is an adjective)
Psychos also know how to caress.

More than frightening, I find it quite disgusting!

But writing is what matters, and you do it well.

See you!