Thursday, 27 January 2011

The Climbing

Climbing is an activity which involves making promotions on steep walls, using physical force and mental self.The climbing is often considered a risky sport, although it should distinguish different practices:
usually practiced climbing with a team that can evolve safely, but there is a more extreme practice, where the climber does not take any security.
Where did it began?
In East Germany (Dresden) and England (the Lake District)
In the century XIX
What do you need?
Harness, climbing shoes, helmet, ropes, static, dynamic, single, twin and double rooms. This is basic.

Paula Mera 3ºA.

Saturday, 22 January 2011


This sport is to ride in a glider and up, is
dangerous because if you loose some strings
you can die.It is a difficult sport, but do not be
afraid of heights, because if people are afraid of
is better not practique.En galicia not usually
practiced, is cheap and legal.

Friday, 21 January 2011

Extreme Sports

Nine air sports are mentioned including: BASE jumping, bungee jumping, gliding, hang gliding, high wire, ski jumping, sky diving, sky surfing, and sky flying.

Eighteen land sports including:indoor climbing, adventure racing, aggressive inline skating, BMX, caving, extreme motocross, extreme skiing, freestyle skiing, land and ice yachting, mountain biking, mountain boarding, outdoor climbing, sandboarding, skateboarding, snowboarding, snowmobiling, speed biking, speed skiing, scootering and street luge.

Fifteen water sports including: barefoot water skiing, cliff diving, free-diving, jet skiing, open water swimming, powerboat racing, round the world yacht racing, scuba diving, snorkeling, speed sailing, surfing, wakeboarding, whitewater kayaking, windsurfing.

MPORA Action Sports >>

Choose one and explain:

When it started
Where it started
How it is practised
Who practises it
Where you practise it
what equipment you need to do it

Why did you choose it?

Illustrate your post with a video or picture

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Today, Antía is wearing a black roxy sweashirt,a blacks and pinks adidas trousers,a billabong jacket of several colors and a black adidas trainers.

By: Mudrik

Today, Alba is wearing a black Adidas jacket, blue jeans and blue Nike trainers , a black Vazva T-shirt.

Monday, 17 January 2011

My friend Ruben usually wears sport clothes.Today,my friend is wearing sport trousers Adidas(TM) and a Quechua hoodie (TM).His trainers are Adidas (TM) and his glasses, Levi's(TM). He is also wearing a brown turtleneck in Extenso (TM)
-Trainers from El Corte Inglés
-Turtleneck from Alcampo
-Hoodie from Decathlon
-Glasses from óptica Eume

This man is my model,I am going to launch him to fame

Yes,my description is very weird,but...I am strange,am I?


Today , my friend Mudrik is wearing a black t-shirt , black jeans, tainers and pink boxer shorts .

Danyhel Rio.

Dany and me. (:

Today, Dany is wearing a black cuap, a black jacket, a black glasses and a T-Skrillex. His pants are black, and basckets as well. It has a black glove and blue pants. Black hair. Dany is my best friend I'm wearing today a white hoodie from Mexico, a white tanktop, bue jeans and black trainers.
Good bye! (: