Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Monday, 23 March 2009
Spring came!
Vernal Equinox 2009: What Is It?
The vernal equinox occurs when the sun passes directly over the equator, diving night and day into equal lengths. It is one of two equinox events during the year: The autumnal equinox, or fall equinox, happens in September and marks the start of the fall season for the northern hemisphere.
The first day of spring 2009, then, is the same day as the equinox: this Friday, March 20.
Posting tips: how to post songs
Songs are nice, but they are veery long texts that make a blog look like SPAGHETTI. here are some rules to post your favourite songs in the blog.
1.Post only one song at a time.
2.Post a video, or a lyrics widget with the text.A karaoke or sing-along video will be the best.Try not lo post a long text.
3.Do something with the song: transalate a paragraph or even better, re-write your own version of the song!
Here´s an example of widget of a song by Sade
Ale, here´s the widget version of the song you posted. Thanks a lot!
Lyrics | Leona Lewis lyrics - Homeless lyrics
1.Post only one song at a time.
2.Post a video, or a lyrics widget with the text.A karaoke or sing-along video will be the best.Try not lo post a long text.
3.Do something with the song: transalate a paragraph or even better, re-write your own version of the song!
Here´s an example of widget of a song by Sade
Ale, here´s the widget version of the song you posted. Thanks a lot!
Lyrics | Leona Lewis lyrics - Homeless lyrics
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Can a buffalo swim?
a) Yes, it can
b) No, it can't
How many kg buffalo weight?
a) 1000 kg
b) 540 kg
c) 750 kg

Why the shark eat?
a) Small fish
b) Meat
c) Fruit
Can a shark swim very well?
a) No, it can´t
b) Yes, it can

Why are dog?
a) Fish
b) Birds
c) Mammalians
How many legs has got a dog?
a) Three
b) Five
c) Four

How many years live a cat?
a) Four
b) Thirty
c) Fifteen
Do you like a cat?
a) Fish
b) Meat
c) Plants

Do you live birds?
a) House
b) Nest
Why put birds?
a) Eggs
b) spawn

Can a buffalo swim?
a) Yes, it can
b) No, it can't
How many kg buffalo weight?
a) 1000 kg
b) 540 kg
c) 750 kg

Why the shark eat?
a) Small fish
b) Meat
c) Fruit
Can a shark swim very well?
a) No, it can´t
b) Yes, it can

Why are dog?
a) Fish
b) Birds
c) Mammalians
How many legs has got a dog?
a) Three
b) Five
c) Four

How many years live a cat?
a) Four
b) Thirty
c) Fifteen
Do you like a cat?
a) Fish
b) Meat
c) Plants

Do you live birds?
a) House
b) Nest
Why put birds?
a) Eggs
b) spawn

1 - A bear can ...
a) fly
b) speak
c) dance
d) eat
2 - A bear eat ...
a) pizza
b) vegetables
c) rice
d) orange
1 - Where do giraffes live?
a) in my hause
b) in London
c) in Paris
d) in Africa
2 - A giraffe has...
a) earrings
b) hair
c) feet
d) arms
1 - A bee can` t....
a) read
b) fly
c) eat
d) see
2 - A bee can...
a) sing
b) walk
c) write
d) fly
1 - An ant doesn´t have:
a) glasses
b) eyes
c) mouth
d) ears
2 - Where do ants live?
a) on the floor
b) on the table
c) on yhe chair
d) in the box
1 - A snake is...
a) long
b) small
c) short
d) tall
2 - A snake eats...
a) bears
b) bees
c) ants
d) other animals
1 - A bear can ...
a) fly
b) speak
c) dance
d) eat
2 - A bear eat ...
a) pizza
b) vegetables
c) rice
d) orange
1 - Where do giraffes live?
a) in my hause
b) in London
c) in Paris
d) in Africa
2 - A giraffe has...
a) earrings
b) hair
c) feet
d) arms
1 - A bee can` t....
a) read
b) fly
c) eat
d) see
2 - A bee can...
a) sing
b) walk
c) write
d) fly
1 - An ant doesn´t have:
a) glasses
b) eyes
c) mouth
d) ears
2 - Where do ants live?
a) on the floor
b) on the table
c) on yhe chair
d) in the box
1 - A snake is...
a) long
b) small
c) short
d) tall
2 - A snake eats...
a) bears
b) bees
c) ants
d) other animals
Tuesday, 17 March 2009

a) 800-1.200 kg
b) 100-200 kg
c) 400-500 kg
d) 2.000-3.000 kg
- How many meters measures a giraffe?
a) 0,5-1 meters
b) 5-5,5 meters
c) 7-9 meters
d) 10-12 meters
- Which is the colour of the foxes?
a) Brown
b) Black
c) Write
d) Blue
- Can run very qwickly the foxes?
a) Only by night
b) Yes
c) No
- Which is the colour of the bees?
a) Black and Grey
b) Blue and yellow
c) Red and black
d)Yellow and black
- How many legs has got a bee?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 6
d) 8
- Which is the food of the rabbit?
a) Fish
c) Chocolate
d) Vegetables
- How are the ears of the rabbit?
a) Short
b) Long
c) Fat
d) Broad

- Which is the colour of the monkey?
a) Black
b) Pink
c) Yellow
d) Red
- How is the monkeys?
a) Shaggy
b) Pretty
c) Slow
d) Pink
St Patrick´s day, national day of IRELAND
For ST. Patrick´s, you have posted a lot of GREEN things:
- The green water of the Chicago river,USA:
Irish live all over the world.Many live in the USA.They celebrate St.Patrick all over the world.Like Galicians,they have emigrated all over the world.
- Leprechauns: The only link between St.Patrick and these mysterious beings is that they are TYPICALLY Irish, just like Guinness beer.
But leprechauns are very interesting creatures if you like Irish Mythology.
In Irish mythology, a leprechaun (Irish: leipreachán) is a type of male faerie said to inhabit the island of Ireland.
Leprechauns and other creatures of Irish folklore are often associated with "faerie forts" or "faerie rings"— often the sites of ancient (Celtic or pre-Celtic)
earthworks or drumlins.Listen to a leprechaun story here...
Leprechauns usually take the form of old men who enjoy being tricky. Their job is that of a cobbler or shoemaker. People think they are very rich, having many treasure crocks buried .According to legend, if anyone keeps an eye fixed upon one, he cannot escape, but the moment the gaze is withdrawn, he vanishes.
Among the most popular of beliefs about leprechauns is that they like to hide their gold in secret locations . Another popular belief is that you may find a leprechaun and his pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
- The green water of the Chicago river,USA:
Irish live all over the world.Many live in the USA.They celebrate St.Patrick all over the world.Like Galicians,they have emigrated all over the world.
- Leprechauns: The only link between St.Patrick and these mysterious beings is that they are TYPICALLY Irish, just like Guinness beer.
But leprechauns are very interesting creatures if you like Irish Mythology.
In Irish mythology, a leprechaun (Irish: leipreachán) is a type of male faerie said to inhabit the island of Ireland.
Leprechauns and other creatures of Irish folklore are often associated with "faerie forts" or "faerie rings"— often the sites of ancient (Celtic or pre-Celtic)

Leprechauns usually take the form of old men who enjoy being tricky. Their job is that of a cobbler or shoemaker. People think they are very rich, having many treasure crocks buried .According to legend, if anyone keeps an eye fixed upon one, he cannot escape, but the moment the gaze is withdrawn, he vanishes.
Among the most popular of beliefs about leprechauns is that they like to hide their gold in secret locations . Another popular belief is that you may find a leprechaun and his pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
Monday, 16 March 2009
English | Spanish |
cheerful | alegre, jovial; |
kind | amable |
ambitious | ambicioso |
friendly | amigable, simpático, agradable |
cantankerous | cascarrabias |
cowardly | cobarde |
sympathetic (understanding) | comprensivo |
conservative | conservador |
conventional | convencional |
talkative | conversador, hablador |
flirtatious | coqueta |
polite | cortés, educado |
big-headed | creído, engreído |
cruel | cruel |
open-minded: narrow-minded: | de actitud abierta, sin prejuicios de mentalidad cerrada, intolerante; |
moody | de humor cambiante |
bitchy | de mala leche, venenoso; |
careless | descuidado, poco cuidadoso |
carefree | despreocupado |
trustworthy | digno de confianza |
argumentative, quarrelsome | discutidor |
selfish | egoísta |
charming | encantador |
strict | estricto, severo, riguroso |
two-faced | falso |
reliable: he’s a very reliable person | fiable, confiable: es una persona en la que se puede confiar |
loyal | fiel |
generous | generoso |
honest | honesto |
naive | ingenuo, inocentón |
crazy, nuts | loco, chiflado |
bad-tempered | malhumorado |
naughty (children) | malo, travieso (niños) |
modest | modesto |
proud | orgulloso |
lazy | perezoso, vago |
annoying | pesado |
conceited, full of oneself | presumido |
cautious | prudente, cauteloso, cauto; |
weird | raro, extraño |
self-confident: to be self-confident | seguro de sí mismo: tener confianza en sí mismo |
sensible | sensato, prudente; |
sensitive | sensible |
dull, boring | soso, aburrido |
mean | tacaño |
stubborn | terco, testarudo, tozudo |
hard-working | trabajador |
laid-back | tranquilo, relajado |
shy - introverted | tímido, vergonzoso - introvertido |
brave | valiente |
Sunday, 15 March 2009
Animal´s Quiz
The seales:
1.One of the charactenstic of this animal is:
a)They dance rap.
b)The males take after their babies.
c)They spy on dolphins.

d)They can move their tails forwards.
2.A Kind of seals is:
a)Greek seal.
b)Narizona seal.
c)Strange seal.
d)Green seal.
The platypuses:
1.It was discovered at:
2.Its den has..... cm:
The cockroaches:
1.They are....

c)Sea animals.
d) Humans.
2. They have to change skim between....... times in their life:
The tartarugues:
1.It shave name with:
a)A lighthouse.

b)An island.
c)A newspaper.
d)A CD of "El canto del loco"
2.They eat.....
b)Their babies.
d)Grandmothe´s soap.
The herons:
1.It is from:
2.They live:
a)On trees.
b)In an hotel (5 stars, of course).
c)In the house of your neighbour.
d)On ground.
1.One of the charactenstic of this animal is:
a)They dance rap.
b)The males take after their babies.
c)They spy on dolphins.

d)They can move their tails forwards.
2.A Kind of seals is:
a)Greek seal.
b)Narizona seal.
c)Strange seal.
d)Green seal.
The platypuses:
1.It was discovered at:

2.Its den has..... cm:
The cockroaches:
1.They are....

c)Sea animals.
d) Humans.
2. They have to change skim between....... times in their life:
The tartarugues:
1.It shave name with:
a)A lighthouse.

b)An island.
c)A newspaper.
d)A CD of "El canto del loco"
2.They eat.....
b)Their babies.
d)Grandmothe´s soap.
The herons:
1.It is from:

2.They live:
a)On trees.
b)In an hotel (5 stars, of course).
c)In the house of your neighbour.
d)On ground.
Friday, 13 March 2009
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
More animals
Welcome to the World of Kur! from Aaron Blecha on Vimeo.
What animals appear on this advertisement?
What ARE they DOING?......Check your present CONTINUOUS
Animal quiz:Tigers!
Tigers !
1.How many colours does a tiger have ?
2.What does a tiger eat ?
d)Other animals
Dogs !
2.The dogs can´t...
Elephants !
2.The elephants eat...
Monkey s!
a) Hair
b) Pens
c) Grudges (nice one)
d) Clothes
2.The monkeys can…
a) Eat
Cats !
1.What does a cats eat?
2.The cat of picture has........ eyes.
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
Monday, 9 March 2009
Animal QUIZ

1.Giraffes are the ...
a) tallest animals b) shortest animals c) fatest animals d) thinnest animals
2. What colour are their spots ?
a) grey b) black c) pink d) red
1. The platypus is native of ...
a) America b) Spain c) Australia d) Norway
2.The platypus are ..
a) birds b) reptiles c) mammals d) mammals and birds
Giant Panda
1.The main food of the panda is :
a) bamboo b) fish c) salad d) chicken
2. How many fingers does the giant panda have ?
a) 2 b) 8 c) 3 d) 6
1.How many teeths does the shark have ?
a)12 b) 4 c) 100
2. The sharks live in the ..
a) sea b) forest c) sky d) rivers
1.The ostrich measures ..
a) 1 meter b) 2 meter c) 10 cm d) 50 cm
2. His eggs weigh ..
a) 1 kg b)2 kg c) 6 kg d ) 4 kg
Thursday, 5 March 2009
Animal QUIZ
1. Cocodriles can live for about ..
a) 2 months b) 2 years c) 80 years d) 100 years
2. How many species are there?
a) 3 species b) 5 species c) 10 species d) 14 species
1. Lizards can ..
a) play the guitar b) change colour c) fly d) write
2. They have got ..
a) a tail b) long ears c) 6 paws d) 3 eyes
1. How long can theylive?
a) about 14-20 years b) about 6-12 years c) about 7-13 years d) about 5-11 years
2. How much do they weight?
a) about 5-10 kg b) about 2'5-7 kg c) about 1-5 kg d) about 12-16 kg
1. What colours are they?
a) orange, black and white b) green c) orange and black d) black
2. Where do they live?
a) reefs and anemones b) roofs c) tent d) holes in the ground
1. Its head and wings are ..
a) black b) orange c) black and white d) white
2. They can't
a) swim b) eat d) fly d) breathe
Excellent! Now, can you answer the quiz in a comment?
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